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Amazing Perth Eateries

As much as I enjoy making fresh and healthy food for my family, I also love to spoil myself with a delicious meal out, or to catch up in a cafe with friends.

I am going to share with you my favourite Perth eateries; places where I can enjoy myself while still being conscious of what my body does and doesn’t like.

The following cafes offer amazing food, while still catering for a wide range of dietary requirements.

Check them out next time you’re about to treat yourself, they’re pretty awesome!

Flora Fauna Café
4/70 Aberdeen St, Northbridge
Images from @florafauna_perth

Flora Fauna Collage

You could not find prettier food if you tried!  Every single meal is mouthwateringly colourful and so fresh and tasty.  This tiny, cosy, vegan cafe is such a delight, definitely a place to visit next time you’re in the heart of the city.


The Raw Kitchen
181A High St, Fremantle
Images from @rawkitchenfreo

Raw Kitchen collage

Providing a 100% vegan menu filled with plenty of raw options, this large dining hall has become a Fremantle Institution!  Perfect for a coffee and decadent treat, or a special meal with organic wine.  The Raw Kitchen also has some beautifully sourced products in their small retail space, as well as offering workshops, events and Yoga Classes.

Manna Wholefoods
274 South Tce, South Fremantle
Images from @mannawholefoods

Manna Collage

Another Fremantle staple!
Manna Wholefoods is not just the perfect place for lunch but is also your one stop organic grocery store.  Buy your produce by the scoop, stock up on organic fruit and vegetables, and be amazed by the array of beautiful and natural home cleaning products.
Breakfasts and lunches include gluten free options, vegan options, vegetarian, paleo and raw options.  There’s something for everyone, and, it’s ALL organic!

Nature’s Harvest
20 Napoleon St, Cottesloe
Images from @naturesharvest

Nature's Harvest Collage

Another one of those convenient one-stop-shops!  In the middle of Napoleon Street, you can grab yourself a freshly made juice, breakfast bowl, salad, soup, raw treats and plenty more.   And you can stock up on your organic grocery shopping too!

Little Bird on Lake
100 Lake St, Northbridge
Images from @littlebirdcafe

Little Bird Collage

Little Bird cafe, in Northbridge is a pretty special experience.   Beautiful, fresh and colourful food, again providing something for everyone, regardless of your dietary needs.  The beautiful courtyard is such a delightful place to escape and enjoy your coffee!

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