This is my go-to smoothie bowl when I feel I really can do with some beauty-fuel. It is deliciously nurturing, re-hydrating for the skin, and packed with lots of anti-aging antioxidants, beautifying minerals and vitamins. Its high fibre content keeps your bowel moving, your digestive system healthy and helps you to eliminate any waste material that might have accumulated in your body over time. Enjoy the taste and beautiful glow this bowl will provide you with!
- 1 acai packet
- ¼ cup fresh almond milk
- 1 cup frozen berries
- ½ banana
- 1 – 2 cups of kale
- ¼ avocado
- ½ cup of ice cubes
Topping ideas: chia seeds, pepita seeds, slivered almonds, sliced banana, more berries, shredded coconut
- In your food processor mix together all your ingredients until smooth and creamy. You might want to scrape down sides and mix again until you reach desired consistency.
- Pour into bowl and top with your choice of fruit and seeds (see topping ideas listed above).